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CROCEU call to vote for "our Union, our parents' Union and our children's Union"

In view of the upcoming election for the European Parliament, that will take place from the 6th to the 9th of June throughout the 27 EU Member States, the members of the Committee of Representatives of the Orthodox Churches to the EU issued a Statement calling for all EU citizens to cast their vote in an informed and responsible manner, supporting those political forces that believe in, and promote European unity and solidarity, nurtured by their sharing into, and living according to Christian values.


Brussels, 31 May 2024
CROCEU Statement on the 2024 European Elections

From the 6th to the 9th of June 2024, the citizens of the European Union are called to cast their votes in the European elections. This democratic exercise is highly significant, as it will determine the future composition of the European Parliament, as well as the leadership of the main EU institutions. Moreover, in many EU countries, this year's European elections will be held simultaneously with local elections.
In this context, the Committee of Representatives of the Orthodox Churches to the EU (CROCEU) encourages all European Union citizens to cast their vote, choosing responsibly our common path for the future.
Next year, in May 2025, we will celebrate the 75th anniversary of Robert Schuman's declaration, the foundation stone of the project for a united, peaceful, prosperous and strong Europe. Gradually, this has become home for almost 450 million people, and a community of 27 Member States. It is our Union, our parents' Union and our children's Union. In this Union, each person, as well as each country - bigger or smaller, richer or poorer - has its own place and its unique contribution to the development of the European project.
It is true that in recent years the multiple global crises have had a significant negative impact on the lives of EU citizens. It was particularly in these difficult times, however, that we could see how much European unity and solidarity could help in shaping a coherent and efficient response to the challenges, uncertainties and fears that we are facing. Therefore, CROCEU invites all the Orthodox Christians in the EU to vote for those who believe in, and promote European unity and solidarity.
At the same time, convinced that European identity is inseparably linked to Christianity and its values, CROCEU urges all Christian citizens to cast their vote in support to those who share and live according to Christian values.
United in our common dream and project, driven by our Christian values and seeking the common good for all European citizens, aware and proud of the personal, regional and national diversity in our Union, we are confident in our ability to join forces and build a better, responsible and meaningful future for us, our neighbours and our children.

†Metropolitan Athenagoras of Belgium, Ecumenical Patriarchate
†Archpriest Sorin Selaru, Romanian Patriarchate
†Archpriest Stoyan Berbatov, Bulgarian Patriarchate
†Bishop Apostolos of Tanagras, Church of Greece



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