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9 Juillet 2013- CEDH - Arrêt Sindicatul "Pastorul cel Bun" c. Roumanie


European Court of Human Rights - Autonomy of the Church in Europe and USA


La Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme - L'autonomie de l'Eglise


The Autonomy of the Church in the Recent Case law of the European Court of Human Rights


Document de séance du séminaire – 344p.




Religious Symbols in Public Places

On March 18, 2011, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights has approved the appeal of the Italian State on a 2009 decision condemning the presence of religious symbols in state schools. According to the new decision, the State will continue to be the one to decide whether religious symbols can be displayed in such public places. We provide the full text of the court's press release:


ECHRs decission on religious symbols.pdf

Autonomy of the Church

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